• Scheduler

    In general terms, a scheduler draws up, coordinates and supervises the running of a haulage vehicle fleet.

  • Semi-trailer truck

    Also known as ‘tractor-semi trailer’ or ‘long hauler’. This consists of a driver’s cab without loading area and a (interchangeable) semi-trailer. The driver’s cab does not therefore transport any goods. It merely pulls the semi-trailer which transports

  • Sender

    Most of the time the sender is the contractor of a transport service provider. They accept the goods to be transported from the sender and transport them to the recipient.

  • Shipping company

    Shipping company generally means a company that assigns logistics services with a logistics service provider. Manufacturing and trade companies are called shippers.

  • Silo

    A silo is a large storage unit for bulk goods. In rural areas, for example, silos measuring between 10 and 20 meters are used to store cereal. They are cylindrical in shape and made of concrete, stone, steel, wood or plastic.

  • Single objects

    All small sized goods which are transported and loaded as individual ‘items’ i.e. all items which do not require special additional transport containers and can be transported by truck, container or air.

  • Special goods transport

    If you want to transport special goods you often need additional equipment. As the transportation may cause problems, it must be organised and planned well .

  • Special transport

    This includes heavy loads, large capacity or time-sensitive transport, for example.

  • Spot market

    Sport market is the economic point where business deals are done within a short time span.

  • Storage

    Storage is the professional keeping of goods by a stock keeper.

  • Suction goods

    Designates goods which can be loaded by means of ‘suction lifts’. This includes all types of cereal.

  • Supplier

    The supplier delivers goods for the manufacturer.

  • SVG

    The SVG Bundes-Zentralgenossenschaft Straßenverkehr eG supports companies from the transport and logistics industry with a variety of services such as, for instance, security, further education, insurances and toll fees. Further information at www.svg.de.

  • Swap trailers

    This is an interchangeable vehicle body for loading goods. Swap trailers are standardized and can be attached and detached without any on-site technical assistance. They are also used for public transport (tram/train).

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