Logistics expertise 29.06.2023

Keeping cool – summer tips for lorry drivers

A woman is sitting in a lorry with a smile on her face

The summer has finally arrived – but it’s a challenging time of year for lorry drivers. The heat, the longer days and the busy roads can all make doing their job more difficult than normal. Our list of simple tips and tricks will help lorry drivers make their summer on the road a comfortable one without letting their safety fall by the wayside.

1. Maintenance and preparation:

Keeping up a meticulous maintenance routine is especially important during the summer months. Check your lorry’s coolant level, tyres and air conditioning system on a regular basis. Don’t forget to clean the windscreen and wipers to make sure you always have a clear view of the road. Plan enough breaks to allow you to rest and hydrate before you set out.

2. Heat-resistant clothing and sun protection:

Choose clothes made of breathable, lightweight fabrics that will help you keep cool. Avoid wearing dark colours, as these absorb heat. Wear a pair of sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun’s glare and don’t forget to put sun cream on to protect your skin from its harmful UV rays.

3. Hydration:

Make sure you take on enough liquids while driving. Take regular drinks of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Stay away from drinks containing caffeine, as these will dehydrate you. Making sure you remain sufficiently hydrated will help you keep your concentration levels up and avoid drowsiness.

4. Route planning:

The roads are a lot busier in the summer, as schools are out and people are off on holiday, which can result in traffic congestion and ultimately delays. Check the traffic information in advance and plan your route accordingly. Digital tools can help you with this – one of them being the Routes & Costs application in the TIMOCOM Marketplace.  It provides a variety of features including one that allows you to plan your journey down to the last traffic light and accurately calculate the costs involved. Not only does this make your journey as smooth as can be, but it also saves you valuable time – and we all know time is money. What’s more, you can even translate these savings into an edge over your competitors.

Sound interesting? Then take advantage of our non-binding trial period and discover the countless benefits of the TIMOCOM Marketplace!

5. Safe driving in hot temperatures:

Heat can affect your concentration and slow down your reaction time, so pay particular attention to your driving. Maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you and adjust the speed you’re driving at to the conditions on the road. Also be aware that asphalt can become slippery in high temperatures, especially after it has been raining. Be careful when braking and accelerating.

In the fast lane

The summer is a challenging time of year for lorry drivers. But being well-prepared and being aware of the dangers will help them make their time on the road a comfortable one without letting their safety fall by the wayside. Carry out regular maintenance on your vehicle, look after your health and plan your routes in advance. Remember: safety is always the number one priority. Enjoy your summer on the road!

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, TIMOCOM is always here to support you as your reliable partner in the road transport sector. With the TIMOCOM Marketplace, we offer you a wide range of other applications in addition to the TIMOCOM freight exchange that help you optimise your transports.

For instance, TIMOCOM APIs enable you to seamlessly integrate your own transport management system into the TIMOCOM Marketplace. This integration not only increases transparency, but also significantly simplifies cooperation with business partners within the transport network.

Additional advantages:

  • Find suitable transport offers and capacities – quickly and easily
  • Digital order processing, no paperwork required
  • Avoid congestion at loading docks with comprehensive time window management
  • Optimise vehicle utilisation
  • Reduce administrative burden by eliminating transport-related information being entered multiple times
  • Reduce errors caused by switching between programs and manual data entry
  • Real-time information enables proactive planning and control of the transport chain

The TIMOCOM Marketplace makes it possible – Try it today with no obligation and discover more than just a freight exchange!


5 reasons why you should use a freight exchange as a haulier

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