TimoCom and ASTIC start cooperation
Association members of ASTIC benefit from the special conditions
Dusseldorf, 2014-03-04. At the end of January 2014 one of the largest Spanish transport associations ASTIC (Association of International Road Transport) decided to go into partnership with TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH. As a new TimoCom customer, all ASTIC association members can use the Europe-wide freight and vehicle exchange TC Truck&Cargo®and the many more business solutions and have special conditions.
TimoCom is ASTIC's first choice
ASTIC, one of Spain's oldest international transport associations, has been working for decades in the interest of its member companies and towards the achievement of economic, political, social and environmental goals. The organisation, affiliated with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), not only promotes international exchange of experiences but also offers further education and training possibilities. Even services which help to improve fair competition in the national and European transport sector are provided. In the future, the IT service provider will also do its share to make transport business for ASTIC members more efficient and in this way contribute to avoid empty kilometres. With the help of the simple to use online tool Truck&Cargo®, up to 450,000 international freight and vehicle offers can be viewed daily, so that they can load shipments quickly or use the vehicle to capacity. For the General Director of ASTIC, Ramón Valdivia, the cooperation is an important milestone: "With it we can offer our members real added value. TimoCom stands for efficiency, reliability, high security standards and excellent value for money. TimoCom can in turn reach many companies involved in transport which ultimately benefits the user."
Europe-wide solutions with additional functions
To meet the challenges in the market and achieve ambitious goals, a partnership needs not only trust but also strategies and optimal timing. "We have made the decision in a favourable moment. Spanish export is starting to show positive index numbers which suggests that the transport volume in Spain continues to grow," says Valdivia. So this new business potential can be used optimally, the full service provider TimoCom offers much more than just a freight and vehicle exchange. All TC Truck&Cargo® customers have free access to the online transport directory TC Profile® with 33,000 service providers throughout Europe making it easier to find adequate business partners. The members can also participate in contract business since they are allowed to place bids without any costs in the tendering platform TC eBid®. But that is not all. There are also more applications and services in 24 European languages available to the customer free of charge which make day-today business markedly easier. Via the powerful route calculation and tracking solution TC eMap®, for example, transport business is more transparent, secure and efficient. And if warehousing and logistic space is required - no problem with Europe's largest warehousing exchange.
All of these benefits prove that the European vision bears fruit. "Just like ASTIC, we would like to continue expanding our international activities and will do all that is necessary to return the confidence placed in us by ASTIC members", promised TimoCom's Chief Representative Marcel Frings and looks forward to the cooperation: "The relationship between Germany and Spain has always been very good and will continue like this with our freight exchange."