Successful first year: TC eBid®'s excellent start
Düsseldorf, 2010-10-22. An anniversary is going to be celebrated this year at TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH: TC eBid®- the online platform for Europe-wide transport tenders, is on the market for one year - and very successful.
Last year TimoCom ventured into unknown territory with the development of TC eBid®: as market leader among the European freight and vehicle exchanges, the company was solely active in the in the spot market with the product TC TruckCargo®. However, TimoCom saw a growing demand of its customers in the contract market. Hence TC eBid® was developed, to offer TimoCom's customers more business potential.
The good prospects continue
The past evaluation proved to be correct. In the mean time TC eBid® has become a highly used application by shippers from trade and industry as well as freight forwarders. Since the beginning of the online platform in the past October until August this year, more than 3,100 transport tenders have been offered through TC eBid®- Tendency is increasing! Among these are the orders from trinkgut or La Martiniquaise in France as well as European market leading logistics service providers such as Dachser.
TimoCom's customers which use TC eBid® are doing the right thing. That is what the BMEnet, a subsidiary of the BME (Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. - Association Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics - AMMPL) also says. TimoCom was awarded by the BMEnet for TC eBid® with the seal of approval in freight acquisition - only six months after the platform was launched.
Simple and efficient
The advantage of TC eBid® is its user friendliness. Shippers tender their freight online and can reach simultaneously up to 30,000 verified transport service providers in the whole of Europe, who in return can submit their offers for these tenders. The important thing is: bidders cannot see the offers that others make - preventing this way a price war. Practical: complicated tables, outdated address directories or protracted telephone calls are a thing of the past for all those involved. The complete process is electronic and documented clearly and comprehensibly. The company is continuously working on the program so that it best fits to the constantly changing needs of its users. The actual release ensures, for example, that tenders are even easier, faster and more convenient to publish. Further improvements are already planned for the coming year.