
Over 70 party: TimoCom celebrates the many new telematics providers

TimoCom's TC eMap® is the largest tracking platform in Europe


Dusseldorf, 2014-03-19. With over 70 telematics providers connected, TimoCom's
TC eMap® is the tracking platform with the largest scope of providers. Thanks to the tracking solution transport business is more secure, efficient and simple and mutually benefits contractor and customer.

Small effort, great advantage
The procurement platforms of the IT service provider TimoCom are well established in the European transport sector. Here users can find daily freight and vehicle offers, warehousing space or tender long-term transport jobs. Since June 2013, TimoCom also offers a platform where up to 75 different telematics systems can be displayed simultaneously. That not only facilitates the everyday transport business, but makes it more efficient and secure. Thanks to TC eMap® planners can locate various vehicles on one single map - once the corresponding permission has been granted. Complicated switching between different applications is a thing of the past. Transport service providers can benefit from an additional competitive advantage by indicating in the freight exchange TC Truck&Cargo® , when entering their vehicles, that they can be tracked in TC eMap®. "The number of registered vehicles here is rapidly increasing," informs TimoCom's Chief Representative Marcel Frings and adds: "Of course, everyone in the transport sector wants to secure every additional advantage. Only a few clicks are required to have your vehicles active for tracking in TC eMap® ."

If a customer's telematics system is not yet connected, TimoCom contacts the provider directly. "We have already been able to attain 75 telematics partners within the first six months. The whole spectrum of GPS providers is there i.e. from the big fishes to specialised providers", announces Frings.

You can find a country-specific overview of the telematics providers which are already connected to TC eMap® for the United Kingdom at www.timocom.co.uk/Tracking/Partners.


The telematics providers which are currently trackable in TC eMap®are:

ACRON; AGS; Arealcontrol ; ATROM; CMA MONITORING; Commander; Daimler; Fleetboard; Datcom Telematik; DeDeNet; Digitrack; DSLOCATE; Dreyer + Timm; easyTRACK; EuropeTracking; EVO-GPS; Fleettec; FMLC; Frame Logic; Frotcom; Geonavi; GesInFlot; Global Team; GPS Guardian; GPS Hertz Systems; GPS over IP; GPS-Dozor; GURTAM; GX Solutions; i-Fleet; INELO; I-Track; Infis; Intelliroute; Lemobi; LocalizareGRATIS; Locatel; LogisCarE; LOSTnFOUND; MAN TeleMatics; Masternaut; mobile Objects; Mobilisis; Movildata; Moviloc; Navifleet; Navkonzept; plusGPS; PolTrack Positrex; Routecontrol; Safefleet; satwork; Scania; sgps.eu; Sledenje; Smartivo; Spedion; SVG routecontrol; Sycada; Teksat; TomTom Business Solutions; Trackeasy; Trackpilot (PLT); Trakero; Transics (TX-Connect); TransMobil; Traveltainer; Trimble; Tronik; Tropiciel GPS; Truck24; ubinam; Viasat; Visirun; Volvo Dynafleet

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