Logistics in times of change
TimoCom and cloud provider CenterDevice on digitalisation
Erkrath, Germany, 2016-09-15 - The digital transformation appears to be inexorable, but what does it actually mean for companies and what opportunities and risks accompany it? TimoCom's Company Spokesman Marcel Frings and Marcel Milbrandt from the cloud provider CenterDevice have shed light on this topic together.
TimoCom: For many, digitalisation is a topic that does not yet seem to be tangible. How would you explain digitalisation?
CenterDevice: Digitalisation cannot be explained in a single word. The digitalisation we are experiencing is more than just converting paper documents into digital form, as a PDF or image. Digital transformation is not only technological advancement - digitalisation is changing practically all facets of society and also the economy. For instance, digitalisation is networking, online shopping or permanent availability in private life.
TimoCom: What benefits can small and medium sized companies in particular derive from digitalisation?
CenterDevice: Many companies have paper-based processes, which are also efficient in their own way. But why does nothing change here? This is largely because the term "digitalisation" is soon associated with uncertainty and fear of anything new. The new processes are intended to simplify and unburden – not complicate. There is no need to be afraid of it today.
TimoCom: In one of your blog posts you say you no longer send attachments via email. Why not?
CenterDevice: There are many reasons for this. For example, the size restriction on emails. Even though you may be able to send the mail off: Perhaps the recipient cannot receive it. But security is the principal criterion. Emails are transmitted unencrypted. I don't know whether the email has been intercepted, read or, in the worst case, even modified en route! As a company, you should rely upon a secure and simple solution for file exchange.
TimoCom: Speaking of data protection. Nobody wants to have to worry about the security of their data and documents, of course. What policies do apply for this in Germany?
CenterDevice: German data protection law is considered to be among the most stringent in Europe. Personal data are subject to special protection. If you use a cloud storage service in business to exchange documents, contract data processing according to paragraph 11 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) almost always applies. A cloud provider should therefore conclude a contract data processing agreement with its clients.
TimoCom: How is your company positioned in relation to security and how does CenterDevice differ from other cloud providers?
CenterDevice: What distinguishes our company is the trustworthy handling of our clients' documents and data. Here we use a special encryption architecture. The CenterDevice computer centres are located exclusively in Germany, which ensures that the stringent German data protection policies are adhered to. This is our strategic orientation and that's how it is going to stay. As one of the first business cloud storage providers, we are currently undergoing certification from the German Federal Office for Information Security Technology (BSI) and we expect to conclude BSI certification for CenterDevice this year.
TimoCom: How do your future prospects look in terms of digitalisation?
CenterDevice: When it comes to digitalisation, there's no way back, we are in mid-stream. We advise every company to confront digitalisation head on, to keep an open mind and to see it as an opportunity, because "If you don't move with the times, you'll get left behind."
Find more information on TimoCom at www.timocom.co.uk