
Excellent: TimoCom encourages green logistics

The freight exchange provider wins the European Transport Sustainability Prize 2014


Dusseldorf, 2013-12-16  - sustainability in the transport industry i.e. green logistics, is set in motion. Luckily. Thus environmental protection, efficient use of resources and social responsibility can help to improve the industry's image. The IT company TimoCom renders a prize-worthy contribution with its freight and vehicle exchange - a platform which optimised route planning and the effective use of vehicle space as well as the reduction of CO2 emissions by helping avoid expensive empty runs. The magazine "Die Zeitung für den Güterverkehr" Transport from the HUSS-VERLAG GmbH awards the software company with the European Transport Sustainability Prize 2014.

Avoid empts runs on a large-scale

The high-profile jury composed by economists, academics and journalist awarded the prize on 19th November in Kesselhaus Munich. Among the many evaluated companies in 16 categories according to a rating scheme, only a total of 17 companies received an award.  With the freight and vehicle exchange TC Truck&Cargo®, TimoCom won the prize in the category Service Provider in the Transport Business, together with Daimler AG, Schmitz and MAN Truck & Bus in their respective categories.  HUSS publishing director Bert Brandenburg praised in his speech the implementation of efficient capacity utilisation by all companies involved in transport and with it emphasised the avoidance of environmentally damaging empty runs. By means of the exchange users can rapidly search for freight offers or enter their available vehicles in the system. With up to 450,000 transport offers and 100,000 users, the online-marketplace offers an immense volume of international business opportunities. In addition, TC eMap® provides optimal route planning and transparent transport business with its calculation and tracking function.


 Embedding sustainable thinking in the mind

The prize, which was awarded this year for the second time, should encourage companies from the transport and commercial vehicle industry to implement sustainable business practices and help to anchor the principles of sustainable development. According to the jury, TimoCom already undertook this responsibility and proves that ecological and social goals can go together with economical success. The IT company sets high standards concerning its internal reduction of energy consumption and with it CO2 emissions and the efficient use of resources such as paper for example. In addition, it invests in modern and attractive working conditions for the employees as well as in external social and environmental projects.


TimoCom customers receive the seal for sustainable management

TimoCom customers can also benefit from the "Green we can" environment seal - nowadays green logistics in becoming an important factor for competitiveness and full order books. The free seal can be obtained from the website and used for example in corporate communications, printed on business stationary or as web-logo on a customer's homepage. This way, customers can see that their partner is not only reliable in logistics but also for the environment. During the event, TimoCom's Chief Representative Marcel Frings drew attention to this strategic importance and received the prize from the juror Robert Domina, transport tester and motor journalist:  "Thank you in on behalf of the almost 400 employees at TimoCom. The prize is a recognition of our performance to date and an incentive to continue developing our sustainable visions and products for our customers which make their daily business easier."

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