Brexit – what now?
Erkrath, Germany - 2016-07-19 - The Brexit has become a reality and the uncertainty is even bigger now. David Cameron resigned and a whole nation is holding their breath not knowing what will really happen.
A fact is that at some point the UK will have to negotiate all EU related agreements again. UK freight forwarders, road hauliers and manufacturing and trade are worried. But they do not stand alone. Several associations like the Freight Transport Association, the Road Haulage Association and the United Kingdom Warehousing Association have already announced that they will support the interests and needs of the transport and logistics industry in Brussel and in the UK when that time comes. As of now, the UK is still an EU member as British International Freight Association Director General, Robert Keen has stated. His suggestion to all involved in freight business is to not let the outcome of the EU referendum affect the daily business.
What is safe to say: Brexit will not change anything for companies in regards to being or becoming a TimoCom customer as it is also the case for all our other Non-EU TimoCom customers from e.g. Switzerland, Turkey and Norway. TimoCom is Europe’s largest transport platform, not EU’s, and this is not going to change.