
AndSoft and TimoCom have a common programme interface

Well connected thanks to TC Connect


Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Erkrath, 2014-11-28 - TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH, the market leader among the European freight and vehicle exchanges, together with AndSoft have established a common programme interface. AndSoft is a European company dedicated to online-software-development for companies in the transport and logistics sector among others.

Julio Borrell, technical director of AndSoft, describes the cooperation with TimoCom as follows: "We are very pleased to be able to cooperate with TimoCom since we now have Europe's leading freight exchange on-board. Our customers can now incorporate their freight direct into the freight exchange with just one click. It was very important to take this step with the IT company.  The system integration was surprisingly quick and easy. The systems run smoothly. Our customers are very satisfied with the integration of the software since it simplifies their work." TimoCom's Chief Representative Marcel Frings highlights the reasons for the cooperation: "With the common interface 'TC Connect' we achieve real synergy. This way our customers only need to enter their freight and vehicle offers once in their scheduling software. As a result of the entries being automatically transferred to TC Truck&Cargo® the users win time and can cope better with their day-to-day work.


Freight exchanges are a very handy tool

"Andsoft was founded in 1998. Our platform offers our customers from the transport sector complete web-solutions from the first day. Today too, 16 years later, we continue to offer a complete solution to different types of customers. Not many service providers in Europe offer such an all-round service. We wanted to work with other technology companies from the beginning to fulfil our philosophy of cooperative software-standards. That is why we cooperate with on-board technology, cartography, route planning and freight exchange companies. We choose those companies with the best references for a cooperation. In the end, the customer has a complete package tailored to his needs",  recalls the technical director of AndSoft about the cooperation with different industrial partners.


TimoCom's additional value

Not only do TimoCom and AndSoft customers save an important amount of time via the programme interface TC Connect, but at the same time they have access to up to 450,000 Europe-wide freight and vehicle offers, the tendering platform TC eBid®, a warehouse exchange, the calculation and tracking solution TC eMap® as well as many other services. Since September a mobile access via app to all of TimoCom's products is also possible. Now that the customers do not have to enter their offers in two different systems, they have more time for freight and vehicle offers in the exchange which provides additional business possibilities.

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