News 20.09.2024

New rules for lorry tachographs: all you need to know about Smart Tacho 2

Tachograaf foto

The transport sector is facing major changes arising from the new tachograph legislation. This tachograph legislation requires the use of the ‘smart tachograph’, also called the Smart Tacho 2 (SMT 2). The law is intended to improve road safety and efficiency. It also ensures fair competition within the sector. Hauliers, business owners and drivers must be up to speed with these new rules and their impact. This article covers the most important aspects of this new legislation and how to comply with it.

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  • A smart tachograph has countless advantages over the analogue tachograph.
  1. Automatic border registration
  2. Accurate journey registration
  3. Improved compliance with rules and legislation
  4. Efficiency due to advanced functions
  5. Transparency and a more level playing field for all hauliers
  • The new functionalities of the Smart Tacho 2 include:
    • Automatic registration of borders
    • Registration of loading and unloading combined with registering the vehicles position
    • Provides an automatic display of the country in which the vehicle is located
    • Extra security of the GNSS signal (Global Navigation Satellite System)
    • Extra motion signals
    • Expansion of the DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication) data with maximum driving time
  • The new legislation regarding (the requirement of) these new tachographs entered into effect in August 2023. However, there are some exceptions.

    - Existing vehicles in international transport have the 2025 deadline, while
    - Vehicles over 2,500 kg in national transport have until 2026.

  • This new tachograph legislation applies to:

    - Vehicles for the transport of goods with a maximum allowable mass of over 3.5 tonnes.
    - Vehicles for the transport of persons that are designed or permanently adapted to transport more than 9 people, including the driver.

A smart tachograph vs. an analogue tachograph?

The new tachograph legislation modernises and improves compliance and control within the transport sector. It requires the use of the Smart Tacho 2, an advanced tachograph that accurately registers driving and rest times, border crossings and loading/unloading activities.

It is important to keep up with innovations such as the smart tachograph, but why do so many hauliers invest in the Smart Tacho 2? It’s not just because it is (or will be) required by law. It also comes with numerous other advantages.

  1. Automatic border registration
  2. Accurate journey registration
  3. Improved compliance
  4. Efficiency
  5. Transparency

Automatic border registration and accurate journey registration

Automatic border registration is one of the major advantages of the smart tachograph. This means that drivers no longer have to manually record border crossings, which saves time and reduces the chance of errors. The smart tachograph also registers journeys more accurately than ever before. This ensures that all driving and rest times are correctly recorded, which helps with legislation compliance. Fewer errors means less chance of violations and fines.

Improved compliance, efficiency and transparency

Thanks to its accurate registration and automatic functions, the smart tachograph helps hauliers with improved compliance with the rules. This helps prevent violations and the associated fines, which ultimately saves costs. A smart tachograph also contributes to more efficient business operations. The advanced functions help with optimising routes and scheduling maintenance, which means less downtime and better use of resources. In addition to all that, smart tachographs provide more transparency in operations. Enforcement authorities can carry out checks faster and more efficiently, which contributes to a more level playing field for all hauliers.


The new functionalities of the Tacho Smart 2

You might already have the Smart Tacho 1 or might just be curious. But what exactly are the differences? What does the Smart Tacho 2 have that the other tachographs do not? We’ll go through them together:

  1. Automatic border registration.
  2. It can register loading and unloading in combination with registering the vehicle’s position.
  3. The Smart Tacho 2 provides an automatic display of the country in which the vehicle is located.
  4. Extra security of the GNSS signal.
  5. Extra motion signals.
  6. It expands the DSRC data to include the maximum driving time. This also enables the remote monitoring of the data.

The timeline of the new legislation

Since August 2023, all new transport vehicles must be equipped with the Smart Tacho 2. However, there are some exceptions:

  • For international transport: All new vehicles must be equipped with Smart Tacho 2 as of August 2023.
  • Existing vehicles involved in international transport: These vehicles must have Smart Tacho 2 installed by 31 December 2024.
  • For vehicles with Smart Tacho 1: These must be upgraded to Smart Tacho 2 by 18 August 2025.
  • For vehicles over 2.5 tonnes in cabotage operations (domestic transport within another country) and vans: The compliance deadline is 1 July 2026.
  • Vehicles over 2.5 tonnes in national transport: Must comply with the new legislation by 1 July 2026.

These deadlines mean that companies must upgrade their fleet in time. Staff must be trained to become familiar with the new technology of the Smart Tacho 2.

When do I have to replace my tachograph for international transport?

If you drive in a Member State other than the Member State of registration, you must have a Smart Tacho 2 by 31 December 2024. If you already have a Smart Tacho 1, you must replace it with a Smart Tacho 2 by 18 August 2025. If you drive cabotage and your maximum permitted mass is more than 2,500 kg (including tare weight), Your latest replacement date is 1 July 2026.

In case of doubt or for more information about these dates, please visit the government website.


For whom is the digital tachograph already mandatory (summer 2024)?

The digital tachograph is already mandatory on or after 1 July 2026, a ‘full’ smart tachograph 2 or ‘transitional’ smart tachograph 2 must be fitted into newly registered goods vehicles over 2.5 tonnes, undertaking international journeys for hire and reward.


  1. Buses and coaches with more than 8 people, excluding the driver.
  2. HGVs in professional goods transport of more than 3,500 kg. This includes the maximum payload.

Please note: if you transport fewer than 8 people, a tachograph is not required. For example, campervans and motorhomes are not required to have a tachograph because they are considered non-commercial passenger transport.

Impact on daily business operations

The new legislation requires hauliers to upgrade vehicles and train their staff. This requires investment but the improved tracking and compliance make the company more efficient. Accurate registration prevents fines and the advanced functions optimise routes and maintenance.

TIMOCOM offers tools such as the TIMOCOM Marketplace and interfaces to help facilitate this transition. Optimise your business processes. Our solutions help with seamlessly integrating the Smart Tacho 2 into existing systems, which ensures minimal disruption and maximum efficiency in your business.

Digital tachograph

A digital tachograph digitally registers driving and rest times, speed and distance travelled. This is a major improvement over analogue tachographs, which stored data on physical disks.

They offer additional advantages such as more accurate measurements and more secure data storage. Digital technology also enables faster and easier data transfer and analysis, which reduces the chance of manipulation an errors. This makes the entire compliance and regulation more reliable.

Compliance requirements for the new legislation

Hauliers must upgrade their vehicles with the Smart Tacho 2 to comply with the new legislation. This requires the purchase and installation of new equipment and the training of staff. Administrative processes must also be adjusted to comply with the new registration and reporting requirements.

TIMOCOM supports businesses with this by offering solutions that ensure the seamless integration of the new tachographs into existing systems. This helps businesses remain in compliance without disrupting operations. It offers comprehensive knowledge during the transition period, including training and technical assistance. If you’d like to know more, register for the TIMOCOM Marketplace without obligation. In this way, you can connect with expert companies on our freight exchange.


How much does a smart tachograph cost (Smart Tacho 2 costs)?

The costs of the new Smart Tacho 2 depends on a number of factors. Which parts do or do not need to be replaced? How many will need to be purchased at one time? What type of vehicle requires the tachograph? 

Assume at least £1500.00 for the purchase of the tachograph itself. The other parts are custom-made and an amount cannot be estimated for that. Companies like Scania are offering support with integrating the Tacho Smart 2.

Tachograph in vans

The new tachograph rules also apply to certain types of vans. Starting in 2026, delivery vans over 2,500 kg in international transport must have a tachograph. This means that businesses that carry out cross-border transport using vans must comply with the same rules as lorries. There are exemptions for national journeys but you should carefully check whether your vehicles qualify for them.

Tachograph exemption

The rules are strict but there are exemptions for certain vehicles and operations. These exemptions offer flexibility for vehicles that fall under a specific weight class or for transport that remains within national borders.

For example, vehicles under 7.5 tonnes that are not used for commercial transport or certain agricultural vehicles are often exempt. It is crucial to know the exact conditions to determine whether your vehicles are eligible. Transport companies must carefully evaluate the exemption criteria to ensure compliance with legislation and avoid unnecessary fines.


The new tachograph legislation brings challenges and opportunities. Timely compliance with the rules prevents fines and improves efficiency and safety. The Smart Tacho 2 offers features such as automatic border registration and improved communication, which lessens the administrative burden and lowers long-term costs. Prepare your business by complying with the new legislation in good time. TIMOCOM offers insights and support in the latest updates and insights from the road freight industry.Work with transport partners who have implemented the new legislation and the advantages of the Smart Tacho 2.


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Tram Trinh Thanh

Marketing Manager Northern Europe

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